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Post supports

Concrete-in H-bracket stirrups, 70mm

Post supports

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£15.00 each

These concrete in stirrups or H-brackets are the best method we know of for installing fence posts, combining the best of the traditional way with the best of modern engineering. Professional fence erectors should be happy with this method although it may take longer. The bottom half of the stirrups are set in concrete which requires holes to be excavated, but the holes are not as deep as traditional post holes. The combination of concrete and thick steel is immensely strong. The top of the stirrup should be above the concrete. For greater precision the posts can be concreted as the posts are fitted. Alternatively, the stirrups can be concreted in advance, which is quicker but precise positioning is required. The uppermost flanges can be fitted in 2 different ways. At the most exposed sites the flanges should be front and back for maximum strength. At less exposed sites the flanges will be barely visible if they are fitted from side to side.

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